Impact Analysis and Prevention of Learning Saturation


  • Sarah Nofis A’raaf UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
  • Muhibbin Syah UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
  • Bambang Samsul Arifin UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung



Learning Saturation, Impact, prevention


Learning saturation is a syndrome where a person experiences extreme fatigue and boredom, which makes them feel uninspired in doing learning activities . The type of research used is qualitative descriptive. Descriptive research signifies that researchers are trying to describe a phenomenon or event. The purpose of this article is to discuss learning burnout, including its effects, how to prevent it, and strategies for doing so. According to the study's findings , monotonous learning is usually caused by a long and tedious learning process . New learning environments and goals and motivations to inspire learners to work more than ever are two ways to overcome learning burnout.


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How to Cite

Sarah Nofis A’raaf, Muhibbin Syah and Bambang Samsul Arifin (2024) “Impact Analysis and Prevention of Learning Saturation”, al-Afkar, Journal For Islamic Studies, 7(3), pp. 1673–1681. doi: 10.31943/afkarjournal.v7i3.1089.




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