Exegetical Views on Ismah of the Prophet Yusuf: A Re-Examination


  • Abdulwahab Danladi Shittu Department of Religions University of Ilorin, Nigeria




Ismah, Hamma, Divine mission, Yusuf, Zulaykha


Qur’anic exegetes engaged one another in a serious debate over the disposition of Prophet Yusuf at the time of great temptation as captured in Qur’an 12:24. Against this background, this work exegetically studied the view of some scholars regarding the infallibility of Prophet Yusuf with a view to identifying the appropriate interpretation of the verse in question. Findings of the work revealed that while some scholars only considered the divine protection enjoyed by Prophet Yusuf in a narrow sense, others underscored the person of Yusuf as a Prophet of Allah and placed him above all human tendencies. Another group however, maintained the middle course between the two groups above. This paper concluded that Yusuf was a Prophet of Allah who enjoyed divine protection against committing sins and at the same time, he was a human being who could have an inclination towards evil thoughts without having a determination to commit sinful acts.


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How to Cite

Shittu, A. D. (2024) “Exegetical Views on Ismah of the Prophet Yusuf: A Re-Examination”, al-Afkar, Journal For Islamic Studies, 7(2), pp. 105–113. doi: 10.31943/afkarjournal.v7i2.801.


