Implementation Of Entrepreneurship Education In Islamic Educational Institutions Perspective Of The al-Qur'an & Hadits
Entrepreneurship, Al-Qur'an & Hadith Perspective, LPI ImplementationAbstract
One of the perfections of Islam is to require its followers to be able to live independently by trying to work or do business in the right way. Islam not only teaches to worship, but Islam also teaches its people to be independent and work hard, one of which is to have a soul with entrepreneurship or entrepreneurship. Prioritizing the values of the Koran and Hadith in building an entrepreneurial spirit by always trying to provide training and workshops to improve the quality of the entrepreneurial spirit in the souls of all students. The existence of a training held at Islamic educational institutions aims to increase the strengthening of all students by instilling an entrepreneurial spirit with Islamic sharia values such as instilling the values of honesty, sincerity, sincerity, trustworthiness, togetherness and independence as well as strengthening students in the financial sector which is a necessity in education and creating students with an entrepreneurial spirit. Worship, being a reference in entrepreneurship is the attitude of successful Muslim entrepreneurs in the field of business world affairs. An entrepreneur to continue to work and work hard, as in the letter Al-Jumu'ah verse 10 which orders to seek sustenance, as well as the encouragement of the Prophet's Hadith which recommends always working and innovating, Rasulullah SAW has said "indeed Allah loves a believer who works or work hard. that we as Muslims are ordered to always work hard and always innovate in facing the challenges of this increasingly dynamic era, not only do we become someone who always works for other people but more than that we have to create new opportunities with our own creativity with soul capital these entrepreneurs and never get out of the existing corridors and in accordance with the rules of Islamic law as recommended by Rasulullah SAW.
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