Misperception Among Members of the Jabodetabeka Cirebon Student Community Organization (KMJC) (Intercultural Communication Study)
Misperception, Intercultural Communication, OrganizationAbstract
Cultural differences and different languages will be very vulnerable to misperceptions such as what happened in the Jabodetabeka Cirebon Student Community organization (KMJC), in this regional organization there are two different tribes, namely the Betawi tribe and the Sundanese tribe. Members from these two tribes often misperceive each other in form, language, speech intonation, and have different habits that give rise to misperceptions. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach, the data sources used are primary and secondary. Data collection techniques in data research used in this research are observation, interviews and in-depth documentation with data analysis techniques using case studies. The aim of this research is, among other things, to find out the causes of misperceptions among members of the Jabodetabeka Cirebon Student Community (KMJC), to find out how to overcome misperceptions between members in the Jabodetabeka Cirebon Student Community (KMJC), to find out what kind of social communication methods are carried out between members in the organization to reduce misperceptions that occur. The results of this research show that misperceptions that occur among members of the Jabodetabeka Cirebon Student Community (KMJC) occur due to differences in linguistic culture involving Sundanese and Betawi tribes in the Jabodetabeka Cirebon Student Community (KMJC), how to overcome misperceptions that occur among members of the Student Community Jabodetabeka Cirebon (KMJC), namely by means of which members are expected to understand the character and characteristics of other members, respect each other among individual members even though they have different cultures, each member must have a sense of empathy and sympathy for other members. If a conflict occurs, resolve it using tabbyun, consensus, and professionalism in dealing with conflict.
QS Al- Hujurat Ayat 6
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